And another random trip, the first of 2019. Unfortunately, I had available only a couple of hours to catch the pulse of the city. As such, I’ve put on the map the most notorious architectural landmarks of Paris.
So here’s a glimpse of Paris as I’ve seen it.
I always dreamed of catching moments of traditional craftsmanship in Romania. Following, it was my first chance of doing so.
The man represented in the photos is a Shepherd from Fagaras Mountains, Romania. With a big sense of humor, he generously welcomed us with in house made cheese, lamb meat and “bulz” (polenta stuffed with cheese baked on the grill)
I have a personal affinity for modern architecture, this being the reason “Skyscrapers of Bucharest” is an ongoing project. Hopefully, there will be more tall buildings built in the future.
I love time lapses! They give you the chance to observe the world in a prolonged action, compacting time and leaving you in awe. I mostly like making time lapses of Milky Way.
19th of September 2017
16th of September 2017
30th of July 2018
When on a short trip to Porto, Portugal, the ocean enchanted me with its dance